“INTERNSHIP” is a performance piece where the theater takes center stage. Umeda, as an intern, infiltrates the theater venue with a knowledgeable theater staff team and dynamically “plays” with the equipped functions and mechanisms of the theater.
Mechanical systems, stage settings, large props, lighting, and sound of backstage works are all performed right in front of the audience, without any conventional theatrical or dance presented on the stage. An orchestra also appears, but it sinks into the pit while preparing for the performance, similar to a rehearsal scene in theater or opera. At its premiere in 2016, reviewed as “choreography for the theater.”
By seeing the actual performance, you become aware that the theater stands out as a gathering “place” for people rather than just an architectural space. Throughout the process, from preparation to the actual show, it becomes clear that a stage performance cannot be realized without staff, without the audience, by sharing a single space.
“INTERNSHIP” was performed at Yokohama KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre in 2018. In 2020, its concept was adopted to the live streaming project, “PLAYTIME” at Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon, produced as a re-opening of the theater after the COVID-19 pandemic, also directed by Umeda.
Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, South Korea
May 7-8, 2016
TPAM 国際舞台芸術ミーティング横浜 2018
Photo: Rody Shimazaki