“On the origin of voices” is an installation work that utilizes local objects, everyday materials, and the dynamics of physical phenomena. Umeda intervenes in buildings of Fukuoka Art Museum, especially in hidden spaces such as behind walls, ceilings, and backyards, and imprints ever-changing polyphonic rhythms of sound and light within the exhibition space.
Furthermore, these works expand beyond independent gallery spaces and can be found in museum collection exhibition rooms, warehouses, foyers, entrances, and outdoor areas, incorporating elements similar to a “museum tour.” During the exhibition period, actual tour performances titled “Gallery Tour” were conducted.
In this work, visitors guided by observant staff may become the observed subject from the others while forming a community. The structure of positions shifting between “seeing” and “being seen” within the artwork is a common characteristic seen in Umeda’s works.
On the origin of voices
Fukuoka Art Museum
Nov. 2, 2019 – Jan. 13, 2020
主催:福岡市美術館助成芸術文化振興基金、公益財団法人 花王芸術・科学財団、公益財団法人セゾン文化財団
Photo: Yamanaka Shintaro (Qsyum!)